Gartner® Report: Securing Hybrid Work

Adopting the Right Workspace Security Strategy

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Gartner® recently released their latest report on Workspace Security:  Securing Hybrid Work: Adopting the Right Workspace Security Strategy

“Hybrid work demands a comprehensive set of security controls that work coherently across modern IT infrastructure.”

“Security and risk management leaders need a workspace security strategy that integrates device, identity, email, application and data security into a cohesive, modular solution.” Gartner key recommendations for building a workspace security strategy include:

  • “Adopt a cohesive workspace security strategy to enable secure hybrid work and put the worker at the center of protection, rather than the device.
  • Build integrated workspace security teams — removing the burden of siloed tool- specific responsibilities — to allow the security team to focus on the goal of comprehensive security, regardless of security product strategy.
  • Select the workspace security path that best suits the desired security outcomes of the organization by comparing trade-offs in the four most popular approaches.
  • Reduce complexity by consolidating endpoint protection platform (EPP) and endpoint detection and response (EDR) tools if you haven’t done so yet. Upon renewing endpoint protection contracts, evaluate further integration and consolidation opportunities.”

Access the Gartner report today to read the key findings and learn more! 

Gartner, Securing Hybrid Work: Adopting the Right Workspace Security Strategy, Evgeny Mirolyubov, Peter Firstbrook, Chris Silva 21 May 2024.

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