Elevating Browser Security

How to Ensure Safe Browsing, Safe Access to Sensitive Apps and Browser Governance
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The browser is the most used app in modern organizations, making it a prime attack vector for threat actors. 

  • From evasive zero hour phishing attacks to malware and zero-day exploits, attacks via browsers can circumvent traditional detection and launch attacks on users and endpoints
  • Designed inherently for information access and sharing, browsers are a critical vector for data exfiltration
  • IT teams are challenged to enforce security policies and detect anomalous user activities within the browser application

Join Davit Asatryan, Spin.ai’s VP of Product  and Tal Zamir, Perception Point’s CTO, as they delve into why organizations need stronger browser security to ensure safe browsing, prevent data loss and strengthen browser governance.  

Key Takeaways:

  • Why existing web security solutions like EDRs and SWGs fall short in detecting and blocking browser-native threats, including malicious extensions.
  • Insights from Spin.AI’s research on browser extensions, revealing critical risks for organizations.
  • The importance of correlating evidence across workspace channels (e.g., email and  browser) to enhance attack prevention, detection and response  
  • Strategies for effectively mitigating risks associated with browser extensions.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to protect your organization’s modern workspace.

Meet the featured speakers:

Tal Zamir







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