Rethinking Email Security

Why traditional approaches fail, and why you can’t afford to ignore it.

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Email continues to be the primary mode of communication for businesses and individuals, but it is also the number one threat vector for cyber attacks.

Day in and day out, hackers leverage increasingly sophisticated tactics to exploit the vulnerabilities in email systems and ultimately cause major damage for organizations. 

Check out this informative conversation between Tal Zamir, Perception Point CTO and Forrester guest speaker, Jess Burn in which they explore why email remains the top threat vector and why it should be a top priority for organizations to secure.

Our expert panelists discuss:

  • The various attack vectors used by cybercriminals, including Business Email Compromise (BEC) and advanced phishing techniques 
  • Vulnerabilities in popular email platforms like Microsoft 365 and provide insights on how to mitigate these risks
  • The importance of securing both email & web channels, as these are the primary avenues through which hackers gain unauthorized access to sensitive data 

Watch the recorded webinar to learn how to safeguard your email systems and stay ahead of the curve in the fight against cybercrime.

Jess Burn

Jess Burns

Senior Analyst,

Tal Zamir

Tal Zamir

Chief Technology Officer, Perception Point

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