Attack Vectors
Prevent Phishing Attacks with Perception Point
The Phishing, Spear Phishing and Whaling Attack Challenge
Phishing is one of the oldest tricks in the attacker’s playbook: an attack that leverages social engineering to obtain sensitive information. Phishing, spear phishing, and whaling attacks leverage URLs, files, and text-based techniques to deceive their target and gain access.
Many phishing attacks penetrate existing security measures due to the rapid creation of new variations and their resemblance to the “real-thing” becoming more and more accurate. Employees simply don’t have the time to analyze every individual email they receive.
The Phishing, Spear Phishing and Whaling Cyber Kill Chain
Step 1
Target Acquisition
The attacker gathers intelligence on the target, including personnel and technology data.
Step 2
The attacker chooses the best way to get in the organization, such as favorite payload or most exposed channel.
Step 3
Grooming &
The attacker creates the “story” of the attack – for example, designing the message, writing a cover text, setting up the link, and more.
Step 4
Information Capture
The attacker logs the information gathered from the attack and validates the information by trying to log in using the target’s information.
Step 5
The attacker leverages the log-in details to steal money, steal information or even sell the log-in credentials themselves to other parties.
Our Anti-phishing Technology
Perception Point has combined multiple layers of anti-phishing prevention, including propriety engines developed specifically to outsmart any advanced phishing attempts, and keep pace with the latest techniques:
Recursive Unpacker
Unpacks the most deeply embedded phishing attacks, even if highly concealed by the attacker.
Image-recognition engine
Proprietary engine uses several advanced image recognition algorithms to validate if any URL is a legitimate site.
URL Reputation
Incorporates data from the four top URL reputation engines monitoring global traffic for phishing attempts.
Threat Intelligence
Combines six different market-leading sources that leverage intelligence from external security vendors and the cyber community.
Our Advantages
#1 in Detection
Next-gen capabilities provide the best coverage against any type of phishing attack. We actively scan all URLs received to ensure they are safe.
Anti-evasion capabilities
We uncover each and every file, URL, or hidden code, even if highly concealed or stored on a cloud storage platform, rendering advanced evasion techniques useless.
Holistic Coverage (Across Channels)
The anti-phishing engines are deployed across all channels we cover, providing equal protection against phishing – whether you are on email, in a messaging app, or cloud storage platforms.
All our solutions are deployed in a few clicks, creating zero fuss to you and your IT team.
Not Detection
In-depth Insights
Our Incident Response team checks and monitors every incident to ensure the most accurate detection rates, and to reduce strain on your SOC team.