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‘Tis the Season…for Cyberattacks!

Unlike the rest of us, cyber attackers don’t take vacations. The holiday season is upon us, and many are preparing to celebrate with family and friends both near and far. For attackers, the holiday season is a perfect time to launch attacks, when businesses are closed or are operating with a skeletal crew.

Cyberattacks Are Becoming More Sophisticated

According to Perception Point CEO, Yoram Salinger, we will see cyberattacks becoming more sophisticated than they already are in the upcoming year. In this article we review why most enterprises are still susceptible to cyberattacks and what CISOs should take into consideration in 2022.

Phony Job Ads and How to Spot Them

Job ad scams are on the rise. According to the FBI, more than 16,000 Americans reported employment scams in 2020. Some are easy to spot. Others are quite sophisticated.

Salesforce Email Service Used for Phishing Campaign

Cybercriminals are using Salesforce’s mass email service to dupe people into handing over credit card numbers, credentials and other personal information in a novel phishing campaign that highlights the threats to corporate networks that can come from whitelisted email addresses.
Dana Roth

Phisher Errors Lower Entry Barriers for Wanna-be Phishers

Each year, it becomes easier for wanna-be phishers to create successful campaigns. This is well-known. But now, it’s at its easiest. Anyone can successfully set up and employ a phishing scheme – without knowing any programming, going to the darknet or paying a thing.

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