
Keep up with the latest attack trends, research, and cybersecurity industry updates on the Perception Point blog! 

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  • Attack Trends

    Stay ahead of the "attack waves" with in-depth analysis of key incidents and understand what's trending among today's malicious actors.

  • Industry Insights

    Keep up with top trends in cyber security and what today’s malicious actors are doing.

  • Research

    Educate yourself on unique attacks, advanced exploitation techniques, and new methods to infiltrate the modern enterprise.

Faking a Bank: Attackers Target Chase Bank Customers

Perception Point has identified attempts to phish Chase clients. Read this short blog to see how the attacker tried to impersonate to a prominent bank and how Perception Point prevented these attacks.

Securing Teams

Perception Point was chosen to protect all content shared by the 100,000+ employees of a Fortune 500 enterprise through MS Teams. Read this case study to see how.
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New cyber campaign leveraging OneDrive.

Perception Point has once again discovered a new attack trend hitting our clients. Perception Point intercepted this new attack campaign through its Advanced Cloud Storage Security solution. In this attack, we will show how attackers are leveraging OneDrive in order to evade detection and take advantage of a new attack vector.

Phishing Campaign Trend: Microsoft Teams.

In the following incident, it is very interesting to see how the attackers have improved their messaging and framework significantly to try trick the end-users.…

COVID-19 – Update on New Cyber Campaigns.

Perception Point continues to bring you the latest in coronavirus-themed attacks, trying to show you the wide variety that we see daily. In the following…

Phishing Attempt Using Slack Referrer URL.

In this update, we will show how attackers are leveraging Slack referrer URL in order to lead victims to phishing pages, thus evading legacy solutions.

COVID-19 – Update on New Cyber Campaigns.

As the Coronavirus continues to keep organizations world wide working remotely, Perception point continues to see more and more “COVID-19” themed attacks. As always, they are improving in their sophistication and evasion. Below is an overview of 2 new attacks caught by our system, with an in-depth malware analysis of one of the campaigns

The Salesforce Loophole.

Overview. Today we present a blog that combines two main trends: (i) The use of collaboration channels to spread malware (Salesforce) and (ii) The increase…

COVID-19 – When the Virus Spreads to New Channels.

Today’s blog shows an interesting change in the way attackers act. Unlike previous incidents we published, this report lays out Coronavirus-themes attacks which are not originated from email but though other collaboration channels, such as cloud storage platform and files shared in internal networks. This shift demonstrates how attackers have been evolving and how they look for new ways into their targets.