
Keep up with the latest attack trends, research, and cybersecurity industry updates on the Perception Point blog! 

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  • Attack Trends

    Stay ahead of the "attack waves" with in-depth analysis of key incidents and understand what's trending among today's malicious actors.

  • Industry Insights

    Keep up with top trends in cyber security and what today’s malicious actors are doing.

  • Research

    Educate yourself on unique attacks, advanced exploitation techniques, and new methods to infiltrate the modern enterprise.

What is Spear Phishing?

Learn how spear phishing tricks users into providing confidential information and ways to protect yourself against it.

What is Trap Phishing?

Trap phishing is a type of phishing attack that capitalizes on human error to extract information or resources. Many people have suffered financial losses and reputational harm due to trap phishing, which is becoming increasingly more common these days.
Phishing Attack Examples to Watch Out For | Perception Point

Cyber Scams Know No Bounds

Every week, our IR team reviews hundreds of emails and files intercepted and flagged by our system, analyzing new attack trends and sometimes intervening in real-time to remediate attacks. In this article, we share a few recent examples of interesting attacks hailing from different regions around the globe that our advanced email security solution prevented, which were then analyzed by the IR team.

What is Cyber Threat Intelligence?

Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) is, in essence, data that has been analyzed and validated through multiple analysis processes specific to cybersecurity.

What is Business Email Compromise?

Business Email Compromise, also known as BEC for short, is a type of cybersecurity threat that involves cyber attackers impersonating company owners or executives to trick employees into transferring large sums of money or revealing confidential data.

BYOB (Build Your Own Botnet) in action.

Attacks leveraging the BYOB framework for fraudulent activity in the wild has been around for a few years now. We believe that the cyber security…

How to Prevent Phishing Attacks

Learn about common phishing attacks, challenges in detecting phishing, and advanced technologies that will help organizations prevent phishing attacks.
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What is Barrel Phishing?

Hackers use several types of phishing techniques to steal information from your organization. Barrel phishing, also known as double-barrel phishing, is rapidly becoming more prominent and is targeting organizations worldwide.