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Qakbot Malware

Qakbot Malware: Insights Into an Excel 4.0 Macro Attack

In this campaign, the attacker conceals malicious payload by deeply embedding it within multiple types of content and using different evasion techniques. Perception Point's IR team found loopholes and was able to backtrack his steps to understand his techniques.
foundr magazine ceo fraud

‘CEO Fraud’ Phishing Kit on the Rise

The Perception Point IR Team recently uncovered a new CEO Fraud phishing kit that leverages Backblaze, a cloud-storage tool, to host fake Office 365 login pages.
Security Awareness Training

Employee Security Training
Proven Not Enough

Train the machine—not just the employee. Hackers know that many companies rely on security employee training alone, so they’ve been upping their game to trick…
Default Email Security

Default Email Security Not Secure Enough

The adoption of cloud email is increasing every year, with Google Workspace and Microsoft Office 365 dominating. And now, a new report by Gartner noted that many clients have expressed dissatisfaction with default email security solutions, specifically citing Office 365.