Build a Zeroed-In Mindset

Building a sound security strategy requires many components. From white papers and case studies, to research and community support, Perception Point provides the knowledge and tools you need to get your team “zeroed in” and prepared for the constantly evolving threat environment.

Securing Teams

Perception Point was chosen to protect all content shared by the 100,000+ employees of a Fortune 500 enterprise through MS Teams. Read this case study to see how.

Securing OneDrive & SharePoint

A Fortune 50 enterprise moved to remote working and became heavily reliant on cloud storage platforms. Perception Point was chosen, after a long POC and RFI process to secure these apps, protecting over 100,000+ employees worldwide.

Augmenting Office 365 EOP

Perception Point has outperformed 3 other reputable security solutions to protect a prominent Food & Beverages enterprise. Reason for success: improved detection and close interaction with the Incident Response team.

Replacing Barracuda’s Email Security

Perception Point was deployed after Barracuda and showed the truth: attacks still get through legacy solutions. Check out why Perception Point replaced Barracuda after only 3 weeks.
unicorn floaty on lake secure email gateway

Perception Point vs. FireEye

Read this complete case study to see how Perception Point works to protect AppsFlyer from any type of email-borne threat, including spam, malware, impersonation, and APTs.

Fortifying Office 365 Email

Office 365 security is flawed in comparison to Perception Point's solution. See how we replaced, effectively, Microsoft ATP in less than a day.

Replacing Mimecast

Perception Point provided added value that outperformed Mimecast's solution. Check how and why the customer chose to replace Mimecast with us.